Editors Guidelines

This Blogs Purpose

I started walking every day after a long period of inactivity and exhaustion, largely due to too many hours spent working. I’ve felt better both physically and mentally for doing this, and hope that sharing some information about this will encourage someone else to start doing the same.

As I read and learn more about the various benefits, clothing, apps and gadgets which are available and might be of interest I’ll share that information as well.

Blog Post & Editors Standards

The aim of all created content is to provide some useful information or encouragement to anyone wanting to start walking or exercising a little each day.

I don’t have a medical background and so any reference to health benefits will always come from a trusted source and the source will be provided in the content.

Blog Research & Methodology

While much of the created content is based upon personal experience, it may not always be possible to have first hand experience with the locations, events or equipment discussed.

In all instances where no personal experience is available, impressions, opinions and feedback will be sought from trusted online sources and used to create an objective unbiased review.

AI Content

To help with content creation and optimisation, AI writing tools are sometimes used as a supportive tool.

AI tools are known to be prone to errors and inconsistencies and so any AI content which is created is mainly used for initial idea creation and as a draft template for content. All generated content is then substantially updated, altered, refined and reviewed before publishing.

No AI content is ever generated and published without significant fact-checking, editing and providing personal insight and review.

Advertisements and Affiliates

To support the site and created content, advertisements may be displayed and some recommendations make use of affiliate links. If you have an interest in any recommendations you can support our site through the use of the affiliate links.

All recommendations made are not subject to outside influence and will remain an unbiased opinion. Affiliate links will always be disclosed in all content where applicable.


We hope this overview of how content is created is useful for you. We always seek to maintain high-quality standards and content while also being open and honest about how content is created or funded.

If you have any further questions or queries about the site or any specific content please get in touch.