Hello! Let me introduce myself.

I, like a lot of people, have a tendency to let work get in the way of my life.  I focus on what I think I have to do for work, and by the time I’ve finished I’m often too exhausted to think about starting anything else, so I collapse on the couch and do some idle scrolling of nothing in particular until it’s time to fall asleep and repeat the same routine.

I didn’t really enjoy the routine, but breaking it always seemed like it couldn’t be done or I’d tell myself I’d do it after something else was finished, or I’d do it later.

Of course, later never really came.

I actually broke this routine eventually by leaving my job.  Not exactly something I’d recommend for everyone, but it allowed me to redefine some new routines, prioritising some things I’d been putting off.  Specifically, I wanted to get some time for myself, to relax, to exercise, to think…sometimes just to not think.

So, I went for a walk.  I’m not really sure why I picked walking. I’d always gone on runs when I was younger, but didn’t really feel up to a run.  I just figured I could take a travel mug, put on a bit of music and just wander around.

I kinda liked it.

I was fairly aimless, and didn’t really have a route, distance or direction in mind.  But I enjoyed just wandering around, and so went again the next day, and the next.  Now it’s the part of the routine that I make other things work around.

I started the blog really just to try and provide someone else with a little bit of encouragement to do something similar and just go for a regular walk.  

I hope you will and I hope you’ll feel better for it like I did.